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Importance of backlinks Backlinks are useful for successful SEO strategy because they are highly effective ranking factors that increase your website’s credibility. When someone links to your website, they are giving a signal for search engines to recognize you as a related source of content. Surveys say that an increase in organic traffic is correlated with the number of backlinks.  Before the backlinks were used as the primary ranking factor.As a result using of  black-hat SEO strategies to boost SERP ranking increases When Google caught on to these blck hat techniques, they updated the algorithm to assess the ‘quality’ of the link more than the quantity of backlinks. You need to conduct a backlink analysis to know which quality of backlinks are used by your competitors. What Is Backlink Analysis?   If your website has related backlinks, they can help you build authority to your domain and also improve your  website ranks in search engine results pages.  Now a backlink analysis comes


Tips to win on social media Tip #1 – Know YOUR Market Before you start planning to write the content, You must know who your potential audience is.  When you start producing content on social media try to produce quality content which is useful for the audience. You should know what they’re allowing and what they need . Research what they’re watching and following on social media presently. Tip # 2 – Stick to a Solid Strategy To win on social media, choose the right strategy and apply it all the way. First, explore where your audience hangs out. Is it LinkedIn , Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, or Tiktok? Choose a specific platform or multiple platforms where your audience lives and take the time to learn about the winning strategies for that specific platform. Every  social media has its rules and algorithms. First  just start with one, and then repurpose your content to the other platforms as you learn them. Tip #3 – Create Value FIRST First you need to ask yourself – Am I creating  the